Pitihän tänne sitten jotain sitten raapustaa, se tuosta viime toteamuksesta.

Voi ihkudaa kun lainoihin menee 750 euroa kuussa, plus tuohon vielä yhtiövastike.
Ehkä totuin liian hyvään silloin joskus.

Töitä pitäis löytyä, ja pian.

Shit hits the fan

It's so easy to go to top speed and not to steer

When my nothing holds a meaning and too much scares
I wanted to get the jackpot at once
but luck ain't fair and trying has a price

I've been fighting all my life
now overpowered and now a shadow of what I was once
and it's too easy not to look and stay off the brake

I deny my failures to give a new try
but it seems my luck's gone dry
and all shit hits the fan at once
when all's a sick joke of how much one can take

I've fought enough for one life
now overpowered and in peace I won't find a home
and it's so easy to take a loaded gun
and tell no one would stop me anyway